There is nothing surprising about the tips listed here. It’s a compilation of advice that’s age-old, but still true. While it would be nice if our bodies coped with everything we could throw at them, they simply can’t. A healthy lifestyle is vital to your long-term well-being!
Just as unhealthy habits add up, combining together to weaken the body more than any one bad habit by itself, good habits add up too. The better your overall lifestyle, the healthier you’ll become and the easier you will be able to withstand everything life has to dish out.
A healthy lifestyle takes effort, but is well worth it for the benefits. Fewer ailments, more energy, and a calmer demeaner are all things a healthy body bestows. Treat it poorly, and you risk encountering lethargy, multitudes of maladies, and constant anxiety!
If you want to live as healthy as possible, there are six aspects to keep in mind: sufficient sleep, good food, clean air, low stress, moderate exercise, and timely medical care.

In the modern age, it’s hard to live a perfectly healthy life. Cities are heavily polluted by vehicle and factory emissions. Work often involves sitting behind a desk for hours at a time. Modern food is full of chemicals and other ingredients nutritionally unsuited for human consumption. Our typical modern-day environments make it even more imperative to incorporate wholesome habits into our lives!
Granted, it’s difficult to change lifestyles. There’s no quick-fix pill; it takes effort. Instead of trying to do a complete overhaul, it can be easier to work on one thing at a time instead. You might not be aware of how poor your health is until you improve your lifestyle. Try making healthy changes and see how much better you feel!
Regularly getting a good nights sleep is imperative to keeping good health. While we sleep our bodies work to recover from the onslaught daily life presents. Nothing will run you down faster than repeated skimping on sleep.
Good food
Our modern times are filled with nutritionally deficient foods, artificial chemicals, and conflicting views on which diets are best. So, how do we sort through all this to figure out what foods to eat? Simple, we travel before this time of food insanity and take a look at traditional cuisines that have successfully nourished populations for millennia.
Clean air
This isn’t something people tend to think much about. It’s also the hardest to attain. Perfectly clean air is rare. It requires traveling away from the smog of cities and roads. Away from the wood smoke commonly found during winter in the countryside. That said, the air inside your own house might even be worse!
While it’s hard to uproot and move to where the outside air is pure, it’s much easier, by comparison, to clean up the air inside your house. Common contaminates include pet dander, the dust trapped in carpets, artificial fragrances, and other chemical fumes.
Low stress
Stress has far broader repercussions than merely causing mental exhaustion. Prolonged stress takes a severe toll on the entire physical body. While there is no avoiding the occasional stress, it’s essential to evaluate and remove stress from your daily life.
In addition, you can work to lower your stress by taking the time to laugh, have fun, relax, and unwind. It’s also important to not stress about things beyond your control. Take up meditation if that helps you be at peace with the world. Due to the different ways we each cope and de-stress, you may be interested in tips for which stress-reliving activities will work best for you. The book Tranquility by Type has some great tips!
Moderate exercise
I’m not advocating anything extreme here. Try to get out and walk or bike for 15-30 minutes a day, preferably somewhere with clean air. Another good form of exercise is to do some light cardio workouts such as crunches, push-ups, squats, etc. These need only take 15 minutes of your time and you don’t even need a gym membership!
Medical care
It’s important to visit a good doctor for a yearly checkup. This should include a physical exam and a blood workup to check for anything unusual or concerning. The sooner something abnormal is detected, the sooner you and your doctor can work to resolve it!
If you have any existing ailments, you should work to cure what can be resolved and manage what can’t be changed. Don’t just ignore these problems, hoping they’ll go away on their own. Some may clear up after you improve your overall health. Others may need additional support through eliminating problem foods from the diet. Some conditions will require supportive treatment to cure or manage. Ideally, you’ll work with your doctor to figure out the best path forward for you.
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